GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) is the worldwide leading quality standard for organic textiles. Without the GOTS certification, the high level of organic clothing quality cannot be confirmed. GOTS criteria cover the whole chain of organic fibers production from the fields to the shops (fields, textiles factory, tailor factory, warehouse, and transportation between them).

Besides these, GOTS sets the standards for working policies and ethics of certified companies such as:
  • zero tolerance for corruption, child and slave labor
  • providing decent working conditions;
  • implementing measures for the reasonable consumption of electricity and water;
  • attention to and education on workers’ safety (fire safety, first aid);
  • timely laboratory analysis of the textiles;
  • timely laboratory analysis of the textiles;

Audits are held every six months, and once a year, the companies are visited by the auditor. There are unscheduled audits as well.

Read more on the GOTS's official site
See how our materials move along the GOTS production chain