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Summer Collection
Baby Basic Wardrobe
Our labels are sewn at 2 points and can be easily cut off without leaving prickly parts
Kids Daily Essentials
Last over 100 washes, the fabric doesn't lose its original shape or quality
Delivery all over Europe
We deliver by UPS and AKIS EXPRESS, shipping on the day of order
Payment by any convenient method
Cash, Card, Pay Pal
Limassol Store
Where you can try on clothes and get advice.
Help in choosing
Our kids grow up so fast, so we advise you to take clothes one size larger
Complete comfort of movement and breathable, hypoallergenic fabric without scratchy labels
Clothes with attention to details
Oversize and basic styles, not too big and not too small
Clothes for children are made according to age, for example, from 0 to 3 months or from 3 to 6 months. Oversize styles and neutral colours mean that you can easily choose clothes for both boys and girls and be sure that they will fit them.
fabric dyed in neutral colours
Therefore, our clothing can be worn by both boys and girls, and you can buy it in advance even without knowing the baby’s gender.
Hypoallergenic material, soft seams, no scratchy labels
Thanks to 100% organic fabric, our clothing doesn’t cause allergies, dermatitis, or irritation. The labels are sewn at 2 points and can be easily cut off without leaving prickly parts.
The fabric can withstand over 100 washes, doesn’t pill and lose shape
With proper washing and wearing, the clothes can be used not only by one child but be passed on to the next one or gifted/donated to charity. Even after one year of wear, the clothes look like new.
Check our collection of women's clothing
“I am a mother of 2 kids, and it was terrible when my son had a skin allergy atopic dermatitis I didn’t know how to help him to make him feel comfortable and not let the allergy go worse. I know that many mothers in the world have the same problem with their kids living in a big polluted city. As the cotton industry is considered to be one of the dirtiest ones, I want to change it and build for all the kids a brighter future”
Anastasiia, founder
of the Bambini Organic brand
Read the full interview with the founder of the brand
at Ethical Brand Directory
photos and reviews of our customers
Arch. Makariou III 227, 3105 Limassol, Cyprus
Monday - Friday 11.00-14.00 16.00-19.00
Saturday 11.00-14.00

+357 99 865559
Visit our brand store in Limassol and check the quality of the clothes
View and try on items from our collections
Get advice on clothes fitting and aftercare
Find out more about how we make our clothes and develop the Bambini Organic brand
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